Quick Facts on General Investment Account
Do you have USD and MVR option?
- Yes you can open both USD and MVR investment accounts accounts.
How do I find out the profit I earn each month?
- You can refer the Monthly Profit Rates that are published by the bank every month which shows how much profit was earned by each type of deposit in the pervious month. You can download this report from our website.
How do I withdraw the funds before maturity?
- You can send a request to withdraw. Please note that based on the terms and conditions of GIA you maybe foregoing all profits by withdrawing before the maturity date. Please inquire within to find out how this affects your profit
How do I find out the rates and tenures available?
The Profit Sharing Ratios with applicable tenures are published on the List of Bank Charges.

Can I get some financial planning assistance?
- We guide and advice on how to structure your Investment to suite your financial requirements to optimise your profits while having access to portions of your funds when you need them. Please send your inquiry via email to deposits@mib.com.mv with your requirements and our associates will help you get there.
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