Fully Digital Online Account Opening
You can now easily submit account opening online through
ApplyNow Portal. Login using efaas and choose Account Opening for New Customers.
We also conduct Banking Day sessions at Large Companies and Government Offices and tourism resorts frequently. If you want to organise a session at your work place please reach out to deposits@mib.com.mv with details. 
Types of Accounts.
Business Accounts
Opening an account for a business can be a complicated and lengthy process. Fortunately you need not worry. Our associates are ready to guide you towards a business class onboarding experience. Simply submit your interest through the business account opening consultation service.

Also lookout for the investment accounts to make the most out of your money
You can open a GIA account if you have an active current/saving account at MIB, by submitting an Account opening application form along with your valid NID copy. Please note that an initial deposit of a minimum of MVR 5,000 is required to open a GIA account.
You can submit your application through ApplyNow Portal anytime.